Era of globalization is a reality that must be faced by every nation and country, Indonesia is no exception. The process of interaction and mutual influence upon, and even friction between nations interests occur quickly and include the increasingly complex problems. Territorial limits of the State is no longer a barrier to the interests of each nation and the State. In economics there is competition increasingly fierce, so that further complicate the positions of poor countries. Meanwhile, in the political, social, cultural, defense and security there is also a shift in values. For example, the globalization of the political field appears, that democracy and human rights has been made by the international community to determine whether the State is considered as a civilized country or not?
Every nation in the world today can not be separated from one another. Therefore each other should cooperate in order to achieve the goals of the nation. Globalization is one thing that must be faced by various nations in the world.
A. Understanding Globalization
According to the origin of he said, the word "globalization" is derived from global, whose meaning is universal. Suparman Achmad expressed Globalization is a process of making something (the object or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being limited by the area of Globalization does not have an established definition, but simply the definition of work (working definition), so it depends from which side one looks at it. There have viewed it as a social process, or processes of history, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries in the world are increasingly tied to each other, create a new order of life or the unity of co-existence by eliminating geographic boundaries, economic and cultural society.
On the other hand, some see globalization as a project promoted by the great powers, so it may be people who have negative or suspicious about it. From this viewpoint, globalization is nothing but capitalism in its most sophisticated. Powerful countries and the rich would practically control the world economy and the small states increasingly powerless for not being able to compete. Therefore, globalization tends to have a big impact on the economy of the world, and even affect other areas such as culture and religion. Theodore Levitte was the man who first used the term globalization in 1985.
Scholte see that there are some definitions which meant people with globalization:
Internationalization: Globalization is defined as the increase of international relations. In this case each country retains its identity, respectively, but became increasingly dependent on each other.
Liberalization: Globalization is also interpreted by the diturunkankan boundaries between countries, such as export tariff barriers to imports, foreign exchange flows, and migration.
Universalization: Globalization is also described as the spread of the material and immaterial to the world. Experience in one locality may be the experience of the world.
Westernization: Westernization is a form of universalization with the spread of western thought and culture to globalize.
Transplanetari relations and suprateritorialitas: Meaning is in contrast to the fourth the fifth the above definition. In the first four definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. On the fifth sense, global world has its own ontological status, not just the countries combined.
Sartono Kartodirjo argue that the globalization process is actually a symptom of history that has existed since the time prasejarah.Beberapa example among other nations from Asia to Europe, to America, from Asia to the archipelago, and others. Based on a review of history, Indonesia has long suffered actual process of globalization.
Globalisai derived from the globe, it means a globe. Globalization means something that is related to the international world, or all of the natural universe. The meaning of globalization by Big Indonesian Dictionary is the process of entry into the scope of the world. The process of inclusion of various things such as problems, events, activities or attitudes that become the world's opinion. Examples of forest fires that cause smog and global impact. Sartono Kartodirjo argue that the globalization process merupak actual historical phenomenon that has existed since prehistoric times.
World historical events that enhance the process of globalization, among others:
European expansion with the navigation and trade.
The industrial revolution which prompted a search for the industrial market.
The growth of colonialism and imperialism.
The growth of capitalism.
The post World War II meningkatlah telecommunications and transport jet engines.
The importance of globalization for Indonesia
Globalization has significance for the Indonesian people who are building is to take advantage of-kamajuan progress has been achieved by a nation or other nations, to be applied in Indonesia. Indonesia should only take it progress from the positive side, it's good progress in the economic, political, social, cultural, and technological. To the values of Pancasila should we use as a filter of value taken, because the values of Pancasila in accordance with the circumstances of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila derived from religion and customs of earth were excavated from Indonesia. If you pick up a thing or goods originating from abroad, but does not match the values of Pancasila, then there is the escape of Indonesian national identity. Something modern is necessary but may not eliminate the values rooted in the nation of Indonesia.
As a member of the world, Indonesia certainly can not and will not isolate itself from the international arena. If the self-isolation that happens, it can be ascertained Indonesia will not be able to meet their own needs. This means nothing else that happens in international relations so-called mutual relations and interdependence between countries to country. Globalization is often described as an economic phenomenon, characterized by the emergence of many multinational companies, which operate across state boundaries. This affects the production and dissemination of international labor. But really more than that. Because besides the economy, also about the political, social and cultural. All fields was driven by the development of information and communication technologies telahmampu increase the speed and scope of the relationship between people all over the world.
Is still very actual example is what happened some time ago in Yogyakarta, precisely dated May 27, 2006 event, namely earthquakes. In an instant, what happens in Yogyakarta is directly known by almost all the people in this world. Another example is the struggle for world cup football or other sports. Almost all the eyes of the world can watch matches without having to come to the host country. From these few examples we know that globalization has actually penetrated into all areas of our lives.
Impact of Globalization on various community life
Now globalization is developing a broad scale, and accelerated by the flow of information flows freely. Globalization has expanded to various parts of the world. We can feel the traits that appear in front of us, including:
a). Solid Information
When this information is so important to the community. Bit of information left behind, as if out of date. The actual information, the latest is a dream of many people. This is causing a race of people using the internet services, etc..
b). Kompetiisi healthy
Fashion and lifestyle characteristics of humans. As if the human race with life-style. Now many people dressed in various modes of the present, many different modes of dress depends on each corner of the market, many people eat Pila with various options, in cafes, fast food restaurants, etc..
c). Smooth communication
Today many products are a practical means of communication so that people readily accept, or convey any information to others. For example, using a satellite dish to make it easier to receive broadcast television from other countries. Using the telephone set sail on television, so when we speak as if in one room.
d). Openness
In this globalization era, no longer something that is closed. All are open, both in the political, economic, social culture so that all the policies taken by the government easily known to the public. Communities are free to give her comments. Quite often, the comments were out of context. But in the open era, all have the freedom of expression.
Events in the history of the world's increasing globalization process include:
a. European Ekspensi with navigation and commerce
b. The industrial revolution which prompted a search for the industrial market
c. The growth of colonialism and imperialism
d. The growth of capitalism
e. In the post World War II meningkatlah telemunikasi and telecommunications as well as jet engine transport
B. Characteristics of Globalization
Here are a few characteristics that signifies the growing phenomenon of globalization in the world. Downstream mudiknya ships carrying goods between countries shows the relationship between people around the world
Changes in space and time of Constantine. Development of items such as mobile phones, satellite television and internet shows that the global communications happen so quickly, while through such a mass movement of tourism allows us to feel a lot of different cultures.
Markets and economic production in different countries become interdependent as a result of the growth of international trade, the growing influence of multinational corporations, and organizations such as the dominance of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Increased cultural interaction through the development of mass media (especially television, movies, music, and the transmission of international news and sports). today, we can consume and experience new ideas and experiences on matters across diverse cultures, for example in the field of fashion, literature, and food.
Increasing problems with, for example in the environmental field, multinational crisis, inflation and other regional.
Kennedy and Cohen concluded that this transformation has brought us to globalism, a new awareness and understanding that the world is one. Giddens asserts that most of us realize that we are actually taking part in a world that must change is characterized by uncontrolled appetite and interest will be the same, change and uncertainty, and the fact that may occur. Accordingly, Peter Drucker said an era of globalization of social transformation.
C. Signs of Globalization
Life of a State which has entered the globalization, has a special sign. In general Budiyanto said that the signs of globalization are as follows:
a. Increased cross-border travel and tourism
b. Increased immigration, including illegal immigration
c. Development of global telecommunications infrastructure
d. Development of the global financial system
e. Increased economic activity is controlled by multinational corporations
f. Increased international organizations, such as WTO, IMF that deal with transaction-transaksininternasional
g. Increasing global trade
h. International capital flows, including foreign investment has entered the country's economy and mempengauhi
i. Enhance cross-border data flow, such as the use of internet, satellite, telephone komunikasindan
j. The insistence of various parties under on prosecuting the war criminals at the International Court of Justice (International Criminal Court) and a motion to call for international movements
k. The increasing international cultural exchange
D. The importance of globalization for Indonesia
As a member of the world, Indonesia certainly can not isolate itself from international relations, and will not isolate itself from the international arena. Had the self-isolation that happens, it can be ascertained Indonesia will not be able to meet their own needs. This means what? It means that nothing is happening in international relations so-called mutual dependence between the country to other countries. Globalization is often described as an economic phenomenon, mainly characterized by the emergence of many multinational companies, which operate across state boundaries, and this affects the production and dissemination of international labor. But the real picture is not entirely true, because in addition to economic factors, as well as political factors, social and cultural rights. All the elements were driven by developments in information and communication technologies that have been able to increase the speed and scope of human relations throughout the world. Is still very actual example is, what happened some time ago in Yogyakarta, precisely dated May 27, 2006 event, namely earthquakes. In an instant, what happens in Yogyakarta is directly known by almost all the people in this world.
E. Impact of Globalization Against the life of society, nation and state
1) Field of Economics
a. Positive
• The more easily meet the demand for goods and services
• It is easier to increase production
• It is easier in marketing their products to the international scene
• Opening new jobs for skilled
• Simplify the process of industrial development
• Encouraging the growth of national economy
• The emergence of multinational and transnational companies
• The emergence of global economic institutions like the World Bank, IMF (International Monetary Fund) and WTO ¸.
• Global production can be increased
• market liberalism has offered an alternative to the achievement of higher living standards
b. Negative
• The emergence of unfair competition
• Growing consumer attitudes in society
• The owner will retain a strong capital owners of weak capital
• Menculnya capitalism in trade
• Increase the risk of illicit trafficking or illegal
• Open opportunities for wealth accumulation and monopoly business and economic power in a handful of people
• The widening inequality of income distribution between rich countries to poor countries
• Liberasisasi global economy that led to imported goods dominate the country, so that domestic products are less developed.
• Worsen the balance of payments because people tend to prefer imported goods while the exports of domestic firms to compete with world giants.
• Not stable stock prices and easy state of agitation
monetary world.
2) Social and Culture
a. Positive
• Accelerating change in the mindset of the community
• Maternity institutions or institutions of the new social
• The development of clothing, art, and science pengatahuan who helped enliven people's lives
• The proliferation of film and music production in the form of pieces of VCD / CD and DVD
• To provide values and new patterns in the community
• Develop culture of hard work
• The world's cultural meragamnya
• The emergence of assimilation and acculturation
b. Negative
• Increased individualism
• Changes in work patterns
• The shift value of life in society
• People tend to imitate foreign culture that does not comply with national identity
• With the spread of foreign culture into the community causing many people who lost their identity
• The emergence of various social problems and social movements
• The widening of social inequality or the gap between developed and developing countries
• The emergence of disintegration / disorganization in the community
3) Political
a. Positive
• The occurrence of changes in state administration system
• With the changes adopted by the party system, giving rise to the new parties
• Awareness of the need to guarantee the protection of Human Rights
• Movement of democracy is increasingly embraced by high-countries in the world
• Implementation of the elections to choose members of parliament and government are carried out directly
• Reinforcement of friendly relations among nations
• Make Countries extradition to implement cooperation
maintain the security of these maisng.
b. Negative
• The emergence of new understanding in the system of government that does not comply with national identity
• The state is no longer regarded as a key holder in the development process
• With the rapid advancement of technology, other countries can do espionage against the other by the virus spread to damage the database and retrieve confidential files Countries
• War with nuclear missiles and endanger human sanat
• The difficulty of the situation and the existence of the State set up in border areas
• crime and international terrorism that threatens the nation.
Description: Globalization and state in public life
Rating: 4.8
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